Friday 26 February 2016


a. Range of motion is a group of exercises performed to proper preserve movement of a joint. Types of motion are depicted below.
b. Parts of the body that can be exercised by the respective range-of-motions are depicted in the following: (figures 2-11 through 2-22).

Figure 2-11. Range-of-motion exercises for the neck.
Figure 2-11. Range-of-motion exercises for the neck.
Figure 2-12. Range-of-motion exercises or the shoulder.
Figure 2-12. Range-of-motion exercises or the shoulder.
Figure 2-13. Range-of-motion exercises motion exercises for the elbow.
Figure 2-13. Range-of-motion exercises motion exercises for the elbow.
Figure 2-14. Range-of-motion exercises motion exercises for the forearm.
Figure 2-14. Range-of-motion exercises motion exercises for the forearm.
Figure 2-15. Range-of-motion exercises for the wrist.
Figure 2-15. Range-of-motion exercises for the wrist.
Figure 2-16. Range-of-motion exercises for the thumb.
Figure 2-16. Range-of-motion exercises for the thumb.
Figure 2-17. Range-of-motion exercises for the fingers.
Figure 2-17. Range-of-motion exercises for the fingers.
Figure 2-18. Range-of-motion exercises for the hip.
Figure 2-18. Range-of-motion exercises for the hip.
Figure 2-19. Range-of-motion exercises for the knee.
Figure 2-19. Range-of-motion exercises for the knee.
Figure 2-20. Range-of-motion exercises for motion exercises for the ankle.
Figure 2-20. Range-of-motion exercises for motion exercises for the ankle.
Figure 2-21. Range-of-motion exercises for the foot
Figure 2-21. Range-of-motion exercises for the foot
Figure 2-22. Range-of-motion exercises for the toes.
Figure 2-22. Range-of-motion exercises for the toes.


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