a. General.
Some tests require that the entire volume of urine from a 24-hour period be collected. The procedure for ensuring that the test can be performed accurately should be followed carefully.
b. Important Points.
Use strict sterile technique to prevent infection in the urinary system. Insert the catheter gently to prevent pain or discomfort, as catheterization should not be painful. Teach the patient to relax by deep breathing during catheterization. Answer the patient’s questions about the procedure.
c. Procedure.
(1) Read physician’s order.
(2) Wash hands.
(3) Identify the patient.
(4) Post “Do not disturb” signs on patient’s door, bathroom door, and near patient’s bed.
(5) Explain procedure.
(6) Instruct patient about the importance of collecting all urine for 24 hours.
(7) Instruct patient not to place toilet tissue or fecal material in urine.
(8) Have patient void when the 24-hour specimen collection is to begin; discard this voiding.
(9) Place labeled container on ice if required. (Some agencies require refrigeration of all specimens. Others advocate that the urine container be placed on ice. For some collection procedures, such as the creatinine clearance test, refrigeration may not be necessary.)
(10) Save all urine for the 24-hours, then place each voided specimen into the larger container with preservative.
(11) Instruct patient to void a few minutes before the end of 24 hours; this urine is part of the 24-hour specimen.
(12) Send specimen to lab promptly; be certain label includes date and time specimen started, patient’s name, room number, and test ordered. If more than one container is necessary, make certain both are labeled and numbered.
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